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Radio Basa's The Cleaner (listening party + talk back)

  • Online via ZOOM San Francisco United States (map)

Bindlestiff Studio and Rise Above It Productions present...

Radio Basa's The Cleaner

(listening party + talk back) 

Saturday, September 5th, 2020 at 7:00 PM

THE CLEANER, by Nic Feliciano, was originally performed at Bindlestiff Studio’s Stories High XIX, as a part of the theater’s annual page to stage workshop series, Stories High. Radio Basa is reprising this story in radio-broadcast form to bring our listeners into the minds of the martyrs of the dark web aptly named, “Cleaners.” 

Find out what happens to our heroes as we peep into this world. We will have a live discussion via Zoom where you have a chance to interact with the cast and crew over the production process and the future of Radio Basa.

The Cleaner
Written by: Nic Feliciano

Intro/Outro: Nic Feliciano
Narrator: Raisa Donato

Officer Dina: Jamie Nallas
Doctor David Galvez: Mark Marking
Mimi: Golda Sargento
Editors: Jamie Nallas, Raisa Donato, Rey Lopez
Produced by: Rey Lopez & Raisa Donato/Rise Above It Productions,
in association with Bindlestiff Studio
Music by:
Sacred Obsession from Death Ambient

T.L. Ako Sa’Yo by Cinderella

Angel of Death - Slayer
Artwork by:
Neil Que
IG: @njque
Radio Basa is Theatre for your mind. Transmitting waves through a plane of existence unknown to most, and only the fortunate can access. In this channel, we take you on a journey from the pages of a script to challenge your imagination based on auditory absorption.

*Basa in Tagalog means "to read"